South Armatage Neighbors...committed to community. Working together, our goal is to make sure South Armatage remains a safe, attractive and fun place to live.
Change in Crime Prevention Specialist contact for 5th Precinct
Letter from Chelsea...As some of you may already be aware, there has been a change in Crime Prevention Specialists with 5th Precinct. The former CPS for Sector 1, Sarah Mahmud, has left the City of Minneapolis and Chelsea is taking over her position as the Sector 1 CPS. I have greatly enjoyed working in Sector 3, which is filled with great people and neighborhoods. I've appreciated the help and interactions with people in Sector 3 and hope to continue the relations even now that I am no longer the full Sector 3 CPS. We are currently looking for a replacement for Sector 3's Crime Prevention Specialist; in the meantime, Sector 2 CPS Tom Thompson and I will be each taking half of Sector 3 along with our other Sectors. My phone number has changed but my email remains the same. We will continue to try to send out appropriate emails to the e-list for Sector 3. However, we will probably not be as available for neighborhood meetings in the future.
If you have questions or concerns regarding Armatage, Kenny or Windom (54th St W/Diamond Lake Road to Hwy 62, I-35W to Xerxes Av S), contact: CPS Tom Thompson phone: 612.673.2823 email:
Get your neighbors together to save energy and help the environment
The City of Minneapolis is encouraging neighbors across Minneapolis to get together this fall at Energy Challenge block parties to share ideas about ways to save energy and the environment. The Alliance for Sustainability and the Center for Energy and Environment are sponsoring the block parties through a Climate Change Innovation Grant from the City of Minneapolis. The City is also encouraging folks to take the Center for Energy and Environment’s online Energy Challenge. Minneapolis is leading the state, having saved more than 14 million pounds of CO2 since the challenge kicked off in October 2006.
For more information, about the energy challenge in Minneapolis, visit:
For more information about block club parties, contact
Sean Gosiewski at the Alliance for Sustainability, 612-331-1099 x 1,, or Neely Crane Smith, at CEE, 612-335-5852,